[Altruistic-Economics] Hi from Ireland

David Collins david at indigo.uk.to
Mon Oct 7 13:52:00 PDT 2013

Hi all,

Forgive me if this topic is somewhat vague - or of little interest to certain readers. I was just wondering if any of the readers are perhaps from Ireland (or planning to visit in the near future)?

I've been aware of Altruists International for a number of years now and have the utmost respect for the efforts of all those involved. I just wish I could see more evidence of these ideas in practice in my own city (Dublin, Ireland). Alas, it's deeply mired in the ways of commerce and one-upmanship. (It's also a scary place for an undergraduate who's uncertain about his future - but that's another story.)

Anyway ...
Even if there is no one here from Ireland, I'd love to share ideas with some of you. Are there practical ways we can start helping each other here and now? From a distance even? Are some of you doing it already? If so, can we encourage and spread these efforts?

If we discuss theory and philosophy, can we also be putting the theory into practice? (This is not to suggest that people aren't doing this already!)

I'm aware of a dozen (nay, perhaps two or three dozen) initiatives and internet portals designed to facilitate sharing. Are these necessary and sufficient in themselves? Or should we be thinking along other lines (in addition to or alongside these)?

There are a small group of us involved in justfortheloveofit.org Dublin - who meet semi-regularly, but we need much more of this sort of community. I also welcome feedback on ideas I have published at http://www.sharingireland.net/ - which largely echo those expressed on altruists.org .

Lastly, to reinforce a question I posed earlier ...
Since most of use are geographically separated by large distances - and likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future ...
Can we begin to help and support each other _from a distance_? *


* That's not a rhetorical question - but posed in earnest.

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