[GiftEconomy] After Occupation: Creating prosperity & sustainability for all

Kellia Ramares-Watson theendofmoney at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 12:57:37 PDT 2011

is the new name of the book I have been working on that was formerly called
The End of Money: A critique of paying, owing and working "for a living".
After Occupation still takes the demonetarist view that the root of just
about all our problems is the need or greed for money and the abolition of
monetary systems is the root of just about all our solutions. It is just
that in the current money-based world most people are unwilling to buy a
book that advocates abolishing money, and too many people were thinking
that I was advocating some utopia in which we are not working at all and
letting robots do it all while we drank beer on the sofa. (Sort of like the
movie Wall-E).  Nothing could be further from the truth, so I needed to
make a little PR change.

Please visit http://www.indiegogo.com/After_Occupation ASAP. It is the link
to a fundraising campaign I have just this morning started to raise an
"advance" for the book.  David and I welcome and thank you in advance for
any financial contribution you are able to make yourselves, BUT everyone on
this particular email was contacted primarily because you have a lot of
connections. It is critical that this project (which includes a 12.5 minute
video you'll want to see) go viral.

Unlike it's more well known cousin, Kickstarter,  which is an
all-or-nothing model that pays out only at the end of the campaign,
IndieGoGo has a flexible funding option where we are sent PayPal
contributions immediately. And although there are higher administrative
fees if we do not make our goal--we are rebated part of the fees if we
do--we get to keep whatever we raise.

David and I are broke and without an income stream to make December's rent
(and most of our bills in Novemeber). He thought he was getting a holiday
job but the business is owned by a husband and wife and while the wife
wanted David to be hired, the husband picked three other people. We have
some evidence to indicate it was an issue of David being overqualified and
the husband being afraid that he would leave early for something better. He
has a second interview for a restaurant job tomorrow but the restaurant is
not yet open, so even if he gets the job, he won't get paid in time to make
the rent. Funds from the two radio programs I am preparing this month will
also not cover the rent and we have other bills to pay in the meantime. We
don't expect the landlord to be very patient despite my 23 years of
residence here. When I had my heart attack in 2007, he had a representative
call me four days after I was released from the hospital to make sure I had
means to pay the rent during my recouperation. He charges a $25 per day
late fee and as our lease is up at the end of the year, he may choose no to
renew if he sees we are in financial trouble.  Our backs are really up
against the wall. We have already been to a food bank once and will
probably have to go again this month.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you make this
project viral. I can write an article for your website or give you and
interview if you are a journalist. If you have any suggestions, please let
me know.

Thanks again.

Kellia Ramares-Watson
Oakland, CA
Twitter: EndofMoney

Why must we pay to live on a planet we're born on?
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