[GiftEconomy] A NEW POLITICAL PARTY Gift Economy Party

fran k frank_bowman at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 6 05:19:23 PST 2012

 A NEW POLITICAL PARTY Gift Economy Party         one tier, no other, for local community governance.

Hi, Just to inform you of the  http://www.gifteconomyparty.org/                         (sorry the basic version of yahoo I can only use doesnt allow font change!, and Tony question, can you tell me why do you not allow me to post in diggers350?)

We are now registered with the Electoral Commission and have been accepted on the official registration listings.

Further information Contact Vic - 01829 271 639

(Using you usual signature Kellia):  

Why must we pay to live on the planet we're born on?"   THAT, is the economics of starvation! 

....the only political party that is needed!
We are not about reforming our present money system ... we are about 
making it obsolete by transcending to an advanced form of 
civilization...based on a moneyless society.

In a moneyless equal value sharing society, all the resources (wealth)  
will be shared equally by everyone, with no such thing as poverty ...we 
will ALL be rich instead of just the few like at present - we will be 
FREE to do what we love to do without  selling ourselves in order to 
"make money".


Why must we pay to 'live' on the planet we were born on? 
Money economy, exchange,  = price scarcity ,starvation of the 4 needs.       exchange is about me,me,me ,  about  winning, it socially excludes people and it physically excludes people.   Not all are fed.

Gift economy,sharing, = abundance, nurture, all fed.sharing is about US.
The gift economy, is family nurture, community, voluntary work, co-operatives, open source, scientific knowledge sharing,matriarchical societies, freeconomy, gift economy,  permaculture,  forest gardening Earth.  www.gift-economy.com 
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