[Altruistic-Economics] [GiftEconomy] (no subject)

frank bowman greenwomble at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 8 02:55:54 PDT 2010

Thanks Russel. Thats the first time ive been able to read an
attachment on this phone,as was able to read the txt doc. So will look
into using that form myself.

Ive heard of passing on, but doesnt that happen naturally without
being told to?

Other thing is the gift economy already exists and is the bigger of
the two already.

Other thing is there are two types of good, commodity, physical needs,
without which we die, and those that we do not die from not having- it
matters not at all if we exchange goods like cars,toothbrushes ,
paintings, phones, cinema. But if we exchange,as we do, physical
needs,then a scare city is created from which we die, as we do.

Physical needs are life needs - land for food, warmth and shelter,
water, and air.

Release these from exchange, as it is shortage of these things that is
causing life stress and stress for all.


On 06/04/2010, Russell Jelter <noiztank at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://abundanthope.net/pages/Other_Spiritual_Pieces_68/Be-Selfish-Be-Generous-Rekindling-the-Gift-Economy.shtml
> At the bottom of the page is a link to the video that the transcript belongs
> to. But there is some background information at the top of the page before
> the transcript starts, so that might be interesting too.
> Have you guys seen this? Or heard about Charity Focus? I first heard about
> CharityFocus because I subscribed to their mailing list that delivers
> heartwarming news stories often. But apparently CharityFocus is an umbrella
> nonprofit focused on helping gift economy projects take off. And they've
> done some great stuff. Theres a free restaurant on Sundays that is run by a
> different cast of volunteers every week and serves its customers for free.
> Theres a gift economy health clinic, too. These are both in Berkeley,
> California, USA, but I'm sure it would be useful to get in touch so that all
> the gift economy "enthusiasts" (or whatever you want to be called) can put
> their heads together and get the ball rolling.
> And while I'm at it, I thought I would let you guys check out a pamphlet
> I've been working on. I've just been trying to think of how to very
> concisely persuade people to give a serious consideration to the possibility
> of a gift economy as a primary method of distributing resources, and I think
> it's pretty good at this point. Simplistic, perhaps, but short enough that
> people will actually read it :).
> (The attatchments are all the same, just different formats so you can decide
> how to read it. The .odt and .doc are in the form of a pamphlet while the
> .txt is just the text without formatting.)
> -Russell
> --
> http://www.onelovee.org - A place where you can offer goods and services to
> others without asking for anything in return.

  It's a revolution. But it's the sort of revolution that no one will
notice. It might get a little shadier, or brighter. Buildings might
function better. You might have less money to earn because your food
is all around you and you don't have any energy costs.  and more
people will be fed, as more land and resources, kept scarce for the
dollar, for the  abundance called glut,  will be shared.

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